Minnesota loggers usually do their work in rural places that can be far away from hospitals. Delays in emergency medical care may be one of the reasons theirs was found to be the most dangerous job in the country in 2014 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Other job hazards that are commonly faced by loggers include rough terrain and falling tree branches.
According to the 2014 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, there were 78 loggers killed on the job around the country in 2014. While it may not seem like a lot, that figure works out to be around 111 fatalities for every 100,000 loggers. In comparison, the death rate for all civilian workers is just 3.4 fatalities for every 100,000 workers.
Statistics from 2014 showed that the second most dangerous occupation on a per capita basis was fishing, and the third most dangerous occupation was aircraft pilots and flight engineers. Roofers came in fourth, and recyclable material collectors came in fifth. Though truck driving is the eighth most dangerous job, the truck driving industry experienced the highest number of fatalities in 2014. There were 880 truck drivers killed on the job in 2014. Workplace deaths were also prevalent among agricultural workers.
After a fatal workplace accident, the decedent’s surviving family members will of course have to deal with the emotions caused by the sudden death of a loved one. They will also have to face the loss of contributions that the decedent made to the household expenses. An attorney for the survivors can help determine whether they are eligible to receive workers’ compensation death benefits under the insurance coverage maintained by the decedent’s employer.