Do I Have A Workers’ Comp Claim In Minnesota?
If you or a loved one was hurt at work, you may be exploring whether you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ comp is crucial for many injured workers because it can make up for lost wages and cover medical bills related to the injury.
The Minnesota workers’ compensation system can be difficult to understand. It is not always easy to know if you actually have a claim. If you are in doubt, talk to a workers’ comp attorney who can help.
An Experienced Job Injury Attorney Serving The Minneapolis/St. Paul Area
I am Coon Rapids workers’ compensation attorney David M. Bialke. As a lawyer who focuses exclusively on assisting injured workers and their families, I have extensive experience with workers’ comp claims. My job is to help my clients obtain maximum benefits.
While every work injury situation is different, there are certain basic facts you should know if you are unsure about how to handle your injury:
- You may not need a workers’ comp attorney, especially if your employer’s insurance company is paying for everything it is supposed to pay for.
- You may need legal representation if your employer’s insurance company has turned you down for a procedure or is talking about denying your claim.
- You may be unaware of important elements of your workers’ comp case. You may actually be entitled to better benefits than you think.
My firm will be happy to talk to you about situation. If I represent you, I will make sure you receive everything you are entitled by law to receive.
Assistance With Workers’ Comp Claims| Free Consultation
If you are seeking the assistance of an Anoka County or Minneapolis job injury lawyer, contact my office online or by telephone at 763-571-2410. I offer a free consultation.