Most employers are required to have some form of workers’ compensation coverage that pays for employees’ financial losses if they become injured on the job. However, just because an injury does not happen on a job site or in an office does not mean it is not covered. Minnesota workers may be relieved to know that workers’ compensation regulations still apply in travel situations that are closely related to their job duties.
Workers’ compensation covers a work-related injury that occurs while a worker is engaged in or around the work premises where the employee is required to perform duties. The injury must also occur while the employee is working or on the clock. However, there are a few exceptions for which workers’ compensation may still be applicable.
The main exception is when an employer provides regular transportation to and from the work premises. If the employee is injured during the transport, workers’ compensation may cover the injury. Another exception is when a worker is traveling between different areas of the same work premises. Some companies are located on compounds with multiple buildings spread apart. If a worker is injured while traveling from one building to another, workers’ compensation may still be applicable even if the worker is using a personal vehicle.
In other states, workers’ compensation may still apply when employees are injured while commuting to and from work in a company car. Some state regulations also cover workers when they stop during their commute to pick up coffee for their bosses. In other cases, employees are covered for entire business trips.
The “going and coming” rule prevents the argument that an employee suffered a work-related injury during a drive between home and work. The exceptions to this rule are often confusing to workers, so they may call workers’ compensation attorneys for advice if they become injured while traveling for work.