Photo of Brian Zepp
Brian Zepp 

with Brian Zepp of the KQRS Morning Show.

Bialke Law


Photo of Brian Zepp
Brian Zepp 

with Brian Zepp of the KQRS Morning Show.

Experienced Aggressive Representation

How earnings pressure impacts injury rates

On Behalf of | May 6, 2019 | Firm News, Workplace Injuries |

Minnesota residents may be interested to know that research has indicated a link between meeting earnings forecasts and an increased risk of employee injury or illness. A study found that there was a 5 to 15 percent increase in a company’s injury/illness rate when it matches or barely exceeds analyst forecasts. This is partially because of the high volume of work employees may face when attempting to meet financial expectations.

When there is a deadline to meet or another expectation to adhere to, managers may ask workers to spend more time at the office or work harder than they normally do. Employees may also take it upon themselves to work harder than their bodies are naturally able to. They may also disregard safety protocols that make reduce productivity in the short-term. The increase in injuries and illnesses may also be caused by cuts in spending related to employee safety.

Cuts are most likely to be made to equipment maintenance or employee training budgets. According to OSHA statistics, one worker in 24 is hurt if a company meets or just beats earnings expectations. However, only one in 27 workers is hurt if a company either misses or comfortably exceeds its earnings expectations. It was also found that companies that are unionized or that work with the government tend to have a lower injury rate.

Most employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage to help employees who are injured on the job or who contract an occupational disease. Attorneys can often assist these workers in preparing and submitting the required claim for benefits.